Visual Basic Express The evolution of Visual Basic VB 1.0 introduced in 1991, I made the approach to connect with GUI programming language derived from the prototype I dikembang by "Alan Cooper" I call on the tripod,. Then Microsoft contract for copper and asosiasinya the tripod so that it can be used in Windows 3.0 under the code name Ruby. Next Travel Visual Basic (VB 1.0 VB To date, 10): Travel from Visual Basic (VB VB1 to 10) 1. Project "Thunder" dirintis 2. Visual Basic 1.0 (May 1991) on the release for windows on the Comdex / Windows Wordltrade I dipertunjukan in Atlanta, Georgia 3. Visual Basic 1.0 for DOS was released in September 1992. This language is not compatible with Visual Basic for Windows. VB 1.0 for DOS on kenyataaanya this is a continuation of the compiler version of BASIC, BASIC and QuickBasic Professional Development System VB For Dos 4. Visual Basic 2.0 was released in November 1992, coverage pemrogramannya quite easy to use and the speed also has been modified. Especially on the Form enacting the object can be made immediately, and the basic concept of Class I modules implemented in the next 4 VB 5. Visual Basic 3.0, released in summer 1993 and is divided into standard and professional versions. VB 3 Version 1.1 include Microsoft's Jet Database Engine you can read and write Jet database (or Access) 1.x 6. Visual Basic 4.0 (August 1995) is the first version of windows you can create 32 bit programs as well as its 16 bit version. VB 4 also introduced the ability to write non-GUI classes in Visual Basic 7. Visual Basic 5.0 (February 1997), Microsoft released Visual Basic exclusively for 32 bit version of windows. Programmer writer on the program's 16-bit version can easily do porgramnya import from VB4 to VB5. and also vice versa, VB5 program can be imported into VB4. VB 5 memperkenalakan ability to create a User Control. 8. Visual Basic 6.0 (mid 1998) to improve some of the coverage, temasuk kemapuannya to create Web-based applications. Visual Basic 6 will enter the schedule in Microsoft "Non-Supported phase" began in March 2008 9. Visual Basic. NET (VB 7), released in 2002, a few attempts in the first version. NET is revealed that the language is very powerful, but the language you use is very different from the language previously, with the shortage in different areas, including its runtime is 10 times greater than the VB6 runtime package and use the increased memory. 10. Visual Basic. NET 2003 (VB 7.1), released by using the NET framework version 1.1. 11. Visual Basic 2005 (VB 8.0), is the next Iterations of Visual Basic. NET. and Microsoft decided to remove the word word. NET in the title. Released on this, Microsoft bebrapa incorporate new features, including: 1. Edit and Continue, perhaps this is the lack of features of VB. NET. in VB 2005 allowed us to make changes to the code when the program is being executed 2. Improvement in the conversion of VB to VB NET12Visual Basic. NET 2003 (VB 7.1), released by using the NET framework version 1.1. 12. IsNot Patent, is one of the features of Visual Basic 2005 is a conversion If Not X Is Y into Y If X IsNot 13. Visual Basic 2005 Express, part of the Product merupkan Visual Studio. Microsoft makes Visual Studio 2005 Express edition for beginners and crazy with the VB, one of the product is Visual Basic 2005 Express is a product you free from Microsoft 14. Visual Basic "Orcas" (VB 9.0), is scheduled to released in 2007 and dibangung above. NET 3.5. On this release, Microsoft added some features, including: - True Tenary operator, the function If (boolean, value, value) I used to replace the IIF function - Support LINQ - Lambda expressions - XML Literals - Nullable types - Type Inference 15. Visual Basic 'VBx' (VB 10.0), Visual Basic 10, which also dkenal with VBx name, will offer support for the Dynamic Language Runtime. VB 10 is planned to become part of the Silverlight 1.1 |
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