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Hacker Ethic

Diposting oleh Admin Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

* Access to computers - and anything which has the potential to teach you about this world to be free and total. All information should be freely available / free.

* Do not believe in authoritarian / kemapanan - to support decentralization.

* Hackers should be judged based on the ability hackingnya - not based on criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position. You can create art and beauty through the computer. Computers can change your life towards kelebih baikan.

While in practice, the Hacker Ethic (principle) practiced with the following code:

* Do not damage any system deliberately. (rmrf hard disk, crash, overflow, etc.. Change index.html a legitimate website, valid only as long as the original file stored in the same system and can be accessed by the administrator.)

* Do not change the file system other than that required to secure your identity.

* Do not leave the original name of your (and others), the original handle, and phone number in the original system that you access any illegally. They can and will track you from your handle.

* Be careful in sharing sensitive information. The Government will become smart. In general, if you do not know who the opponent actually talk / chat you, take care!

* Do not start with the target computers owned by the government. Yes, there are many state-owned system that is safe for the hack, but the risk is greater than the benefits. Remember, the government has unlimited funds, compared with the ISP / company objectives is to search for profit ..