post I told about this time to encrypt part - 2 part 1 when encrypt it in this review to understand better the details, taken from a Wikipedia article is as follows:
In the field of cryptography, the encryption process is to secure the information by creating an information can not be read without the aid of special. Because encryption has been used to secure communications in various countries, only certain organizations and individuals that have a very urgent akan confidentiality using encryption. In the mid 1970s, strong encryption used by the secretariat for the security of the United States government agencies in the public domain, and at this time have been used in the encryption system widely, such as Internet e-commerce, mobile telephone network and ATM in the bank.
In the field of cryptography, the encryption process is to secure the information by creating an information can not be read without the aid of special. Because encryption has been used to secure communications in various countries, only certain organizations and individuals that have a very urgent akan confidentiality using encryption. In the mid 1970s, strong encryption used by the secretariat for the security of the United States government agencies in the public domain, and at this time have been used in the encryption system widely, such as Internet e-commerce, mobile telephone network and ATM in the bank.
Encryption can be used for security purposes, but other techniques are still needed to make communications secure, particularly to ensure the integrity and authentication of a message. For example, Message Authentication Code (MAC) or digital signatures. Use the other is to protect the computer from the network analysis.
* 1 Ciphers
2 * Cipher code versus
* 3 Types cipher
A cipher is an algorithm to display the encryption and decryption of the, a series of steps that defined the procedure as follows. Alternative is encipherment. Information disebuh as the original plaintext and encrypted form which is referred to as chiphertext. Chipertext message contains all the information from the plaintext message, but not in a format that the computer or human readable without the use mekasnisme the right to do the decryption.
Cipher in the usually have the parameters of the main part of the information, referred to as the key. Encryption procedures vary widely depending on the key that will change the details of the operation algorithm. Without using the key, chiper can not be used for dienkirpsi or didekripsi.
Cipher versus code
In the non-technical usage, a secret code is the same as the cipher. Based on the technical discussions, however, code and cipher are described with two concepts. Work on code-level understanding, namely, the words or phrases changed to something else. Cipher, on the other hand, work on a lower level, namely, at the level of each letter, a group of letters, in the scheme of modern, in every bit. Some systems use both code and cipher in the same system, using superencipherment to improve security.
According to history, cryptography dikotomi into separate code and cipher, and the use of code has its own terminology, the same thing also happened in cipher: "encoding, codetext, decoding" and so forth. However, code has a variety of ways to be returned, including the fragility of the kriptoanalisis and difficulties to manage the list of code that is difficult. Therefore, the code is no longer used in modern cryptography, and cipher to become a more dominant technique.
Types cipher
Is a lot of variations on different types of encryption. Algorithm used in the early history of cryptography are very different from modern methods, and modern cipher and classified based on how the cipher is operating and cipher using a key or two.
Encryption Diagram
History Cipher pen and paper in the past tense is often referred to as classical cipher. Cipher cipher including classic and replacement cipher transposisi. In the early 20th century, the machines use a more up-to-date for the purposes of encryption, engine rotor, the beginning of the merupkan scheme more complex.
Encryption method is divided into key algorithm Symmetric and asymmetric key algorithms. Symmetric key algorithm on (eg, DES and AES), the sender and recipient must have a key that is used together and kept kerahasiaanya. Sender menggunkan key for encryption and the recipient uses the same key for decryption. In the asymmetric key algorithm (eg, RSA), there are two separate keys, a public key is published and to allow anyone to do the encryption the sender, while a private key kept by the recipient kerahasiannya and used to perform decryption.
Symmetric key cipher can be distinguished in two types, depending on how the cipher works on blocks of symbols at a fixed size (block ciphers), or the flow of ongoing symbols (stream ciphers).
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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