| | hallo vb ker wherever you are, it has been scrawled ech Reviews diblog mean, hehe. advised that it is rushing to leave and I have a problem with the doctor, hehe. so I will not have long - long may fuss you heard about encrypt and decrypt, but you do not know what the meaning of it to the 2. Ok I will try to translate what decrypt program is a system that has been made in exekutable which can not change back in the encrypt keblikan from the above, still binggung? ok may be a small example like this decrypt it when we eat or eat lemper previous lontong sure dah in gift-wrap? nah it is called decrypt, and encrypt the raw material is made before lemper or lontong such as rice, etc.. still binggung? ok for example I love coding that I take from VB6 is a master of the capture site http://www.masinosinaga.com, thank you pack it commandant info, and this example code: Code Program :'Deskripsi: Mengencrypt/decrypt suatu file teks menjadi file teks yang ' lainnya dengan menggunakan password. 'Pembuat : Masino Sinaga (admin@masinosinaga.com) 'Diupload : Rabu, 22 Mei 2002 'Persiapan: 1. Buat 1 Project baru dengan 1 Form dan 1 RichTextBox. ' 2. Beri nama RichTextBox dengan "rtfEncDec". ' 3. Copy-kan coding berikut ke dalam editor form ybt. '---------------------------------------------------------------------
'Pada contoh ini, nama file default telah tersedia ketika 'kotak dialog InputBox ditampilkan. Klik saja OK tanpa 'mengganti nama file yang telah terisi di InputBox tersebut. 'Untuk mencoba ulang, hapus file Masino.txt, Masino1.txt, 'dan file Sinaga.txt yang terbentuk di direktori program ini...
Sub FileEncodeAndDecode(InputFile As String, _ OutputFile As String, _ PasswordKey As String) Dim temp As Single Dim Char As String * 1 Dim XORMask As Single Dim temp1 As Integer Open InputFile For Binary As #1 Open OutputFile For Binary As #2 For x = 1 To Len(PasswordKey) temp = Asc(Mid$(PasswordKey, x, 1)) For y = 1 To temp temp1 = Rnd Next y Randomize temp1 Next x Counter = 0 For z = 1 To FileLen(InputFile) XORMask = Int(Rnd * 256) Get 1, , Char Char = Chr$((Asc(Char) Xor XORMask)) Put 2, , Char Counter = Counter + 1 If Counter > Len(PasswordKey) Then Counter = 1 For x = 1 To (Asc(Mid$(PasswordKey, Counter, 1)) * 2) temp = Rnd Next x Next z Close #1 Close #2 'Tampilkan hasilnya ke rtfEncDec... Open OutputFile For Binary As #3 rtfEncDec.Text = Input(LOF(3), 3) Close #3 End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim InputFile As String Dim OutputFile As String Dim PasswordKey As String On Error GoTo Pesan 'Jika file Masino.txt sudah ada dan file Sinaga.txt belum If Dir(App.Path & "\Masino.txt") <> "" And _ Dir(App.Path & "\Sinaga.txt") = "" Then InputFile = InputBox("Masukkan nama file yang akan " & _ "di-encrypt/decrypt:", _ "File Sumber", "Masino.txt") If StrPtr(InputFile) = 0 Or InputFile = "" Then Exit Sub 'Jika file Masino.txt dan Sinaga.txt sudah ada ElseIf Dir(App.Path & "\Masino.txt") <> "" And _ Dir(App.Path & "\Sinaga.txt") <> "" Then InputFile = InputBox("Masukkan nama file yang akan " & _ "di-encrypt/decrypt:", _ "File Sumber", "Sinaga.txt") If StrPtr(InputFile) = 0 Or InputFile = "" Then Exit Sub End If Open App.Path & "\" & InputFile For Binary As #1 rtfEncDec.Text = Input(LOF(1), 1) Close #1
'Jika file Masino.txt sudah ada dan file Sinaga.txt belum If Dir(App.Path & "\Masino.txt") <> "" And _ Dir(App.Path & "\Sinaga.txt") = "" Then OutputFile = InputBox("Masukkan nama file hasil " & _ "encrypt/decrypt: ", _ "File Tujuan", "Sinaga.txt") If StrPtr(OutputFile) = 0 Or OutputFile = "" Then Exit Sub 'Jika file Masino.txt dan Sinaga.txt sudah ada ElseIf Dir(App.Path & "\Masino.txt") <> "" And _ Dir(App.Path & "\Sinaga.txt") <> "" Then OutputFile = InputBox("Masukkan nama file hasil " & _ "encrypt/decrypt: ", _ "File Tujuan", "Masino1.txt") If StrPtr(OutputFile) = 0 Or OutputFile = "" Then Exit Sub End If
PasswordKey = InputBox("Masukkan password:", _ "Password", "masinosinaga")
Call FileEncodeAndDecode(App.Path & "\" & InputFile, _ App.Path & "\" & OutputFile, _ PasswordKey)
MsgBox "Berhasil di-encrypt/decrypt ke " & OutputFile, _ vbInformation, "Encrypt/Decrypt OK"
End Exit Sub Pesan: MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() BuatFileTeks 'Buat file teks pada permulaan aplikasi ini rtfEncDec.RightMargin = rtfEncDec.Width + 500 End Sub
Sub BuatFileTeks() Open App.Path & "\Masino.txt" For Output As #1 Print #1, "Testing membuat file teks..." Print #1, "Isinya akan digunakan untuk encode/decode" Print #1, "-----------------------------------------" Print #1, "Masino Sinaga" Print #1, "Asrama Melati 219 Puslatpos" Print #1, "Jalan Terusan Sari Asih 54 Bandung 40151" Close #1 End Sub
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